At the age of 30 he was devastated and depressed after being sacked
from the company he started.
- Steve Jobs
서른의 나이에 그는 자기가 만든 회사에서 쫓겨난 후 망연자실했고 우울했다.
Dropped high school, had his share of personal struggles with drugs and
poverty leading to an unsuccessful suicide attempt.
- Eminem
고등학교를 중퇴하고 마약과 가난으로 인한 자살 시도에서 실패했다.
Fired from a newspaper for "Lacking imagination" and "having no original
- Walt Disney
상상력 부족과 독창적 아이디어 부족으로 신문사에서 해고 당했다.
After being rejected from his high school basketball team,
he ren home locked his room and cried
- Michael Jordan
He wasn't able to speak untill he was almost 4 years old and his teachers
said he would "never amount to much"
- Albert Einstein
4살까지 말을 못했고 그의 선생님들은 그가 큰 일을 하지 못할것이라 말했다.
His fiance died, failed in business, had a nervous breakdown and was
defeated in 8 elections.
-Abraham Lincoln
그의 약혼녀가 죽었고 사업에 실패했으며 신경쇠약에 시달렸고
8번의 선거에서 졌다.
'긍정의 한줄' 카테고리의 다른 글
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Oprah Winfrey's 10 commandments for success. (0) | 2016.01.04 |
인생에서 실패한 사람 (0) | 2016.01.04 |
Never regret yesterday. (0) | 2015.12.31 |